Saturday, October 19, 2019

State of the Blog - Year 4

October is a month I look forward too for many reasons. Primarily: it's spooky season, and I love Halloween. But also it's because I get to write one of these shorter "State of the Blog" posts which gets me out of doing two projects this month. But that leads me to consider... should I only be doing one project a month?

As I find my interests diversified and myself employed, it's kind of hard to keep up with doing successful projects twice a month. Usually I get some or most of the way there and then just... don't have time to finish it or to work out the bugs. That's sad. The projects deserve more than this.

So I think I'm going to switch my posting cadence to once a month starting Janurary. That way I can finish this year out with 24 posts and then the years following will have 12 posts each which will still look good.

I hate coming to this conclusion, but even though it seems like a failure it really isn't. I'm doing a lot of things (see my YouTube channel for some of those things), and not all of them belong on this blog. So in order to address my desire to put more time and effort into those things while still having hope of achieving the post quality I want here, I need to dial it back. I am working on a sizable project right now which will hopefully see the light of day soon. But it's hard and it's dealing with things way above my paygrade signal-wise. So it may be awhile. And also broken up into multiple parts.

Anyway, that's about it. Happy birthday blog. You're maturing, evolving, and growing with me. Even if that growing means shrinking.

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