Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fixing a Broken Midi Keyboard

If you can't tell by this post and the last post, I'm really running low on things to write about here. So I looked around my room. What could be fixed quickly and relatively painlessly. Something I had been putting off for months. Then, in the corner of the closet, I saw it: a two octave Axiom keyboard that wasn't recognized by my computer anymore. Easy fix, right?

'Reuse' Comes Before 'Recycle': Low Power Server from a Scrap Laptop

If you know literally anything about me, it's that I believe that computers are only useless when they're off. They're still capable of a lot - even the old ones - but only if they're on and working. So when I see perfectly good computers going to waste, I try and figure out something to do with them. This was the case with a Dell Latitude E4300 I found in the trash a little while ago.