Thursday, March 29, 2018

An Interesting Laptop Makes A Good Emulation Station

I'm all about breathing new life into devices that just sit on a shelf and wait for the day they'll get recycled. I'm not trying to personify these devices, but recycling these components seems to take more effort for minimal gain compared to reuse. Reuse makes a lot of sense to me, and it's the reason I have a lot of computer parts laying around my room. Even old hardware, like a Gateway Laptop I picked up from a surplus shop for a few bucks, has use to me. If it were just any laptop, I would have passed on it. But this one had an interesting feature that made me jump to the "Emulation Station" idea.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Designing and Building a File Vault Part Two: My Turn

So I built my parent's file vault/media center a few months ago and it was a big hit. UPS was pretty rough with shipping it, but a little super glue and hope brought it back and it worked beautifully. I don't think my parents were totally up front and honest with me at first when they said they loved it, but now there's no question in my mind. My father has never been into binge watching shows, but now I'm pretty sure he'll get into some of the shows I've been recommending for years. He's already rewatched the Newsroom from both inside and outside the house thanks to Plex, and I've already trained him on how to add his own music. My mother loves it because all of the family photos are now much more secure (thanks to RAID) and we've watched a few movies on the TV thanks to Kodi. However, the system wasn't without its bugs, and we'll try to address them with the one I'll be making for myself, and I'll try to apply the software fixes remotely. Let's get into it!