Friday, August 31, 2018

Super Secret Spy Glasses

I got my hands on a triggered camera assembly that supposedly takes VGA video and 720p still pictures while still being exceptionally small. So, obviously, the next logical step would be to slap them onto a pair of shades, right? Snapchat has made glasses that take pictures so why can't I? Of course it won't be as high quality and it'll save to an SD card, not my phone, but we can only hope for so much, right? So, without further ado, let's get started.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

MacOS Screensavers Aren't That Hard

I recently had the chance to play around with a Macbook Pro and XCode 10. I'm not used to using these computers, but I do really like them. I've never been a big fan of the iPhone, but I've always loved Apple's beautiful, if underpowered computers. I wanted to try to make something relatively easy, so I figured I'd start with a screen saver. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but it certainly wasn't hard, either.