Sunday, July 30, 2017

Writing a Discord Bot For Literally Anything

I love Discord. It is not only great for gaming chat, but it's awesome for chat in general, supporting arbitrary numbers of people, channels, and voice channels. It's really remarkable how much Discord can do. Discord, being the awesome application it is, exposes an API for you to develop bots with. These bots can do literally anything a regular user can, so we can make some great things with it. So, why don't we make all the things with it? Let's make a modular bot that has hot swappable components and can span multiple hosts monitoring multiple things. Sounds hard right? It's probably not, but as I'm writing this I haven't touched any code whatsoever.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Running CoffeeScript and Mustache on Google Apps Script

For a very long time, I thought Google Apps Script was quite useless. Then, one day, I found it useful. It's a nice little tool that's actually more flexible than you might think. I wanted to dive into seeing if I could make CoffeeScript and a templating engine like Moustache just to see if it was possible. I realize CoffeeScript is moving out of fashion, but it's still a nice little tool for making easy to read JavaScript. So, without further ado, let's do it!