Sunday, January 17, 2016

Graphing Every Debian Package

I decided to try and graph every Debian Package and its dependencies. And thus was born the Blogger label "Not Worth The Time Invested" with which this was tagged.

The first part was fairly easy to do: gather data. I wrote a short PHP script to read the package lists and write a DOT digraph with every package pointing to its dependencies. This file was sorta big, but that was expected. I then proceeded to try to put it through GraphViz. This was an utter failure, and the search for better graph rendering software was on.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Hidden TeX Commands in Google Docs

I use TeX to do my math homework on Google Docs. I quickly realized that it supported more symbols than the documentation leads on. I dug through the editor source and found the list of the TeX commands that the Google Docs Editor currently supports. Here are all of them. Let me know if I'm wrong on the name of the symbol/operator.