Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Load Hangouts Messages into BigQuery

I use Google Hangouts to talk to my girlfriend. I like it because it's a part of the Google stack and it's cross platform. It also supports some decent voice and video calling. Just like with any data you have in Google's system, you can download it in bulk. I decided to take the JSON data you can get from Hangouts and put it into Bigquery to run some interesting analytics on it. Let's see what we can do!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Another Printer Partout

Welcome to another edition of "Taking Apart Printers!" Today, we're taking apart a HP Photosmart C4680. I'm kinda excited about this one because it has a scanner and a tiny LCD screen, so that's pretty exciting. This was my printer, so I'm glad I'm recycling it. It's nice to at least try in full faith to reuse some parts to make something else, even though I'm only learning how. It beats the hell out of buying parts, right? Also, taking things apart is fun.