Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Software Engineering and Computer Science Major - A Retrospective

I'm almost at the end of a Software Engineering and Computer Science double major at my college. I'm a month away, but I don't have any classes this quarter (just finishing up a Senior Project) so I feel qualified to have an opinion on the whole... thing. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to write about yet, but I do know that I can't possibly be as thorough as I should be.

Setting Up My Plex Server In Docker

I've been gearing up to maintaining my own Plex server. Back in the good ol' days, I ran a Plex server off of my very first computer in my homelab and it was... adequate. It didn't have a bunch of media but it served its purpose. But, eventually, I stopped upgrading it and it became obsolete very quickly. Then, in college, my friends and I started to build a Plex machine using an old laptop and an external 16TB hard drive. Then we outgrew that, so we moved to a larger storage system. Now, we're all graduating. We all want copies of the Plex but we also want to continue to grow it. So, how did we do it?