Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dumping and Decompilation of Old Stereo Firmware

Remember that game console that I made a while back out of old computer parts and a stereo enclosure? It still had the motherboard intact. I desoldered everything from it and got some interesting (and somewhat usable) parts. There were some parts that I didn't dive into though, and I'd like to take the time now to shallow dive into one of them now: the EPROM.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Make Something That Isn't A Computer A Computer - Episode 4: Amazon Fire TV Stick

With each passing episode of this series I can hear you screaming at your screen more and more. "BUT TUCKER!" I hear you yell. "THE AMAZON FIRE TV STICK IS BASICALLY A COMPUTER ALREADY! WhY iS iT tHe SuBjEcT oF tHiS sErIeS???" And I suppose you're right. But that's not the intent of the product. The intent was to plug it into your TV and use it like a Roku. What we're essentially going to do is change it into a compute stick.