Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Virtualizing my Original Homelab

Remember that high school home lab that I had set up many years ago? Well, most if it is coming down. After graduation I'm moving to my own place and for some odd and inexplicable reason my parents don't want those horribly outdated computers in their basement. Well, I certainly don't have room for them in the place I'm moving. So why don't we take what we can and virtualize it? That way we can still have the computers without the bulk.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Looking at a DLP Chip From a Projector

DLP chips are pretty neat in a "how do they work?" sort of way. Like, I get how they work, but I guess I don't quite understand why someone thought moving thousands of microscopic mirrors at lightning speeds would be a good idea to produce images. It blows my mind that this technology works at all. The DLP chip has to produce the image on its surface in order to make it come out of the box, so let's tear one down and see if we can make it work without light.