Thursday, January 26, 2017

Reverse Engineering a LED Display PCB

While salvaging the case for my retro gaming computer, I neglected to take the display board apart. That's because I wanted to trace the pinout of the whole thing so I could perhaps drive it and make it into a clock or something. As always, I'm sure this is easier said than done, but you never know unless you try, right? This isn't a super duper complicated circuit, but with several shift registers, 8 light bars, and 14 14-segment displays, programming something to run it may be the real challenge here.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Making a Game Console Part 1 - Salvaging a Case

Some of my favorite games run on very old software. I'm talking Windows 98 kind of old. Windows 98 is, in my opinion, the best pre-NT version of Windows that there is. It was a release that focused on content from the internet and introduced more and more concepts of what Windows is today. Some of these games wouldn't run on my Windows 10 computer, nor would they run in a VM (copy protection broke that, grumble grumble), so I decided to make my very own game console that runs Windows 98. This will be another long project, so strap in for multiple episodes. What a way to start the new year!