Saturday, September 30, 2017

Making a Smart Speaker - Part 3

The Orange Pi Zero came in the mail yesterday, so I guess we're ready to move on to the next part in the design of the smart speaker: audio input and output. We won't cover any of the intelligence behind the AI right now because all I want to do is get audio out of the Orange Pi and into the speaker at a reasonable volume, and maybe get voice recognition to work. By the end of this, we should have something that can play music files and maybe transcribe what I say. We'll see.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Making a Smart Speaker - Part 2

In this installment of Making a Smart Speaker, we're going to work on the non-lowend (mid-high range) audio output. I was disappointed when removing the lowpass filter didn't make the subwoofer output all ranges (the acoustics of the shape are too subwoofer-like), so we need to add another speaker to make this worth anything. In this part, we'll do just that.