Friday, November 30, 2018

Some FFMPEG Commands I Find Useful

This post is more for me than for you. I've been working with FFMPEG and AVCONV quite a bit recently, and I've had to reuse these commands quite a bit over that time. I'm putting them here so I don't lose them, and I also hope that someone finds them useful at some point in the future.  So, without further ado, here are some FFMPEG things I do a lot.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Building a Communications Standard from the Ground Up

Before you read this, just know that this is by no means a good way to do any of this. Hell, it's probably wrong. But it's how I'm doing it for a school project. There are probably many ways and standards in existence that do what I already want to do and do it better, but that's no fun, not a waste of time, and doesn't make for a very good blog post.