Thursday, October 19, 2017

State of the Blog - Year 2

It has been exactly two years since I started this blog. In the past two years it's become something completely different than what I expected it would be, and I'm not upset about that at all. It's actually been a big source of growth and distraction for me, and I really like that.

The blog, however, has not been without its issues. Sometimes, I find it hard to keep up with my two blog posts a month (generally because I don't have ideas), so I have to break bigger projects up into multiple parts. This is also because I don't have a bunch of time to do this stuff. I'm super busy with school and whatnot. That being said, it's a welcome distraction from my school work which, at the moment, is less about coding and more about best practices. It's important to learn but it's not fun, enjoyable, or interesting in the slightest.

A year ago I noticed that I gravitate towards hardware stuff. Now I see that I'm gravitating more towards the solutions that come from a hybrid of hardware and software. I think in the coming year we'll see a lot more with embedded computers, actual computers, and whatnot. Stuff with real generic processing power. I also find myself dealing more and more with audio/visual things, so I can imagine I'll be doing more things with that as well.

Anyway, I've done some pretty neato stuff in my humble opinion, and it won't stop. I'll keep my two per month schedule, and it'll all be good. I hope. I don't know, I can't tell the future. But maybe.

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