Monday, October 19, 2015

Hello, World

Welcome to Undocumented Code!

What is Undocumented Code, you ask? Undocumented Code is a project I started in my free time to share what I've learned from messing with poorly documented code. I write a whole bunch of things ranging a wide variety of applications (Get it? Applications? Ha!) that some times requires the use of defunct libraries. I also have a very weird sense of humor. You'll get used to it I hope.

This isn't just for code, however. I'll write some things about software engineering and computer science maybe - who knows! I'll tag things appropriately, I promise, just in case you're not into that new fad that the kids these days are calling fun.

So yeah, that's Undocumented Code in a nutshell. As the blog evolves or becomes a waste of my time, we'll see where it goes. Because right now I have no idea. I just have some loose ideas at the moment.

Stay thirsty my friends.

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